2024 4th International Conference on Intelligent Traffic Systems and Smart City(ITSSC 2024)
Welcome Assoc. Prof. Weichao Zhuang, Southeast University, China to be the Technical Program Committee Chair!


Assoc. Prof. Weichao Zhuang, Southeast University, China

Weichao Zhuang, Ph.D, is currently an Associate Professor with the School of Mechanical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing, China. His current research interests include vehicle dynamics and control, decision and cooperative control of connected and automated vehicle. He has led several research projects funded by Natural Science Foundation China, Ford and CAST in recent years, and won the third prize of Science and technology of Jiangsu Province once. He has published more than 45 high-quality journal articles and 15 authorized patents. As the leader, the driverless vehicle team (Zhishan) of Southeast University won the first prize of World Intelligent Driving Challenge and International (Canada) Autonomous Urban Robot Challenge for many times. He is also severing as the Academic Editor of Automotive Innovation, Applied Energy, IEEE Trans. and etc. He is also a member of the Youth Committee of the Chinese Society of Automotive Engineering, and a member of the Professional Committee of Vehicle Control and Intelligence of the Chinese Society of Automation.

庄伟超,博士,东南大学机械工程学院副教授,主要研究方向包括车辆动力学与控制、智能汽车自主决策与网联协同控制。近三年主持国家自然科学基金2项,国家重点研发计划子课题1项,福特汽车全球高校研究课题1项,参与多项国家与省部级重点项目;获江苏省科学技术三等奖1次,入选中国科协青年人才托举工程;以第一/通讯作者在国际知名期刊上发表SCI论文40余篇,其中在IEEE Trans.Applied Energy等顶级期刊发表论文15篇,授权发明专利10项。作为东南大学至善智能车队领队,带领团队多次摘得世界智能驾驶挑战赛、国际(加拿大)自主城市机器人挑战赛冠军,并主导了国内首个无人驾驶迷你巴士的定制、运营与测试工作;担任Automotive Innovation学术编辑,Applied EnergyIEEE Trans.等知名期刊的审稿专家,中国汽车工程学会青委会委员、中国自动化学会车辆控制与智能化专业委员会委员。